Faith Raymond

Faith Raymond

Run Long ~ Run Strong Endurance Coaching LLC


About Me

I was an equine endurance athlete for many years before switching over to running. Trail running filled the sense of adventure that I got from riding so it was a very natural transition. As I got more involved with trail running and the ultra distances it because clear that we needed more female coaches in the sport, particularly those who loved working with older athletes such as myself.

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

My coaching is science-based and my plans are very organic. I recognize that we all have busy lives and that pre-fabricated plans often fall apart when things get really crazy. All my athletes get customized plans, delivered two weeks at a time, which allows for tweaks and changes as they move forward. I allow my athletes to be in the driver’s seat as much as possible as we create their plans, allowing them to be engaged and involved with the process. I find this makes an athlete much more invested in their own success.

More Coaches

Highlands Ranch, 
Santa Rosa, 