
Madeline Harms

Ornery Mule Coaching


About Me

As a competitive ultrarunner, mom to a toddler, and college professor, I understand the logistical challenges and time constraints people face when training for an ultra. My goals as a coach are to work with you to make your training fun, efficient, and empowering in spite of the curveballs life likes to throw at us. My core beliefs are that running is for everyone; and that training for and running ultras ultimately helps us deal with the larger challenges we face in life.

Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

I specialize in coaching distances from the half marathon to 100 miles and beyond. I especially enjoy working with beginner athletes, athletes who are taking on a new challenge like moving up (or down) in distance, switching from road to trails, athletes dealing with logistical challenges or time constraints (parenting, coming back after pregnancy, demanding job, school, travel, etc), or athletes simply looking for a new approach to training. Feel free to reach out if you think I’d be a good fit for your goals!

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Highlands Ranch, 
Santa Rosa, 