
Lisa Booher

ART of Running


About Me

From the time I was a kid, I have loved to move. Exploring the woods and making imaginary worlds as a kid, playing soccer through the middle years, and then discovering running as an adult. Running gave me an outlet for goal setting, building community, and staying active that I did not know existed as an adult. No adults in my kid life were doing anything like this, and I was especially intrigued by the oldest runners on the race courses. I wanted to be them one day! I’ve been teaching group fitness since 2005, and I started down the run coaching path in 2013. My coaching certifications include RRCA Level II Run Coach and Certified Youth Coach, VDOT, Lydiard II, and ACE Fitness Nutrition. I’m a Boston Marathon qualifier, four-year overall winner of the Southeastern Trail Series, and seven-time 100 mile finisher, including the Western States 100. But mostly, I’m a big fan of finding joy in the journey towards your dreams, and I love helping other people seek out that joy too.

Perfection is unrealistic, and if we make it our goal, we’ll spend our entire lives chasing the unattainable with perpetual disappointment. On the other hand, if we practice to make ourselves better and stronger and closer to meeting our full potentials, then we can find joy through the process.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

The ART in ART of Running stands for Adventuring on Roads and Trails, and that’s what we do! Want to run a marathon, a mile, or 100 miles? There is no goal too big or too small! My goal is to help you safely navigate the intersection of your running goals with the demands of the rest of your life. All of our runners are unique, so we craft custom training plans to help you become the best version of yourself. You are your own most valuable asset, and your dreams are absolutely worth pursuing.

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Salt Lake City, 
Chapel Hill, 
North Carolina
Delray Beach, 