Lisa Weinert

Wellness Diva: RunFitYoga


About Me

My running career started in 1978 in high school and despite ups and downs has not stopped. I’m a body nerd and my certifications include: Running coach (RRCA) , Personal training (ACE), Yoga instructor (YA) , Functional movement assessment (FMS), Trigger Point rollers and more. Love to help women see how running can be a part of their life and to help them go after their goals! Being on the trails is an amazing place to be and as a 57 year old it brings me great joy to see women of ALL ages thirsty for knowledge, skills and goals. Helping people run their longest run ever and to not feel “wrecked” is my why!

Plan the work and work the plan! But don’t let the plan run you!

My Coaching Style / Methodology

I seek balance…both in the body and the workouts. I compile an assessment of the runners movements as well as mobility and stability. With reports and videos I compile a custom workout to balance the muscles. All training plans include running , fitness and yoga workouts. I keep in touch via google sheets and weekly phone calls to make sure that my runners know what they are doing and that the plan is working for them.

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Santa Rosa, 
Carson City, 
Rapid City, 
South Dakota