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Rachel Baker

Santa Rosa, 

About Me

I have been a runner since I was 13 years old. I started competing in triathlon in 2000 and ultrarunning in 2008. I fell in love with trail running while training for the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 miler and haven’t looked back. I have competed in over 100 trail running events and have coached individuals and groups in trail running events for over 10 years. I have been in the field of coaching, sports injury rehabilitation, and sports performance for over 20 years. I LOVE helping people run faster AND stronger for longer. I LOVE helping people achieve higher levels of personal success in trail running, whether that be having more fun, running a 50 km, and everything in between. I help athletes in all areas of the sport, including spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical which sets me apart from most coaches. I competed at the Team USA level in triathlon and accomplished a sub-5-hour 50KM trail race. I know what it takes to achieve higher levels of success. Clients love my unwavering belief in them as well as my constant devotion toward elevating my wisdom and knowledge.

You're out there!

My Coaching Style / Methodology

I am a holistic coach. Meaning that I look at the athlete from the standpoint of goals and purpose, how the mind and emotions contribute to the achievement of goals, and the physical aspects of success. I care about the athlete in the moment, where they have been prior to this moment, and their long-term health. It is my goal to keep the athlete healthy, strong, and well for their entire life, not just for this event or that event. I go to the depths of what makes people tick to pull out the “why” as it pertains to their goals. I also help them see subconscious programming that may hold them back or sabotage their goals. I offer remote services and face-to-face options for local Santa Rosa/Sebastopol California clients. I have clients travel to see me for a few hours or a few days to work on very specific goals in person.

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Highlands Ranch, 
Santa Rosa, 
Carson City, 