Rachel Cieslewicz

New Age Athlete

Salt Lake City, 

About Me

I started running seriously when I was 16. I loved it so much! But my parents didn’t like the idea due to the years I had spent cultivating dancing. So, while other kids were sneaking out the house at night to party, I slipped out to run into the star-filled nights. Eventually I laid to rest my dance shoes and have enjoyed running ever since. I have a deep passion for helping my fellow humans to reach their potentials. My way of doing this is to integrate mindfulness (yoga, breath, meditation aspects) into sport, and all aspects of life. A BS in Exercise Sport Science, along with several coaching certifications and many years racing both running and cycling as an elite, gave me the foundation to mindfully and scientifically train myself, and my athletes. Helping others to discover their very best, while keeping a balanced life, brings me great joy and satisfaction.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

I have the ability to create personalized training programs that fit within your busy lifestyle. With 22 years in the industry, I know what works because I understand the science and experience behind training plans, and I personally have the same challenge of fitting my training in a time constrained work-day. I integrate mindfulness practice as part of your program experience. The tools I teach you will enhance not only your sport, but your work and your family life as well.

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Highlands Ranch, 
Santa Rosa, 