Sarah Knapp

Sarah Knapp

Spirit of Running


About Me

My love for running started at a very young age. My mom says I started running shortly after I learned to walk. I was always chasing after our family dogs and cats, playing tag with our sheep, or running to catch falling leaves from the trees. By the time I was 8 years old I had already started running competitively. I loved how free I felt when I ran. I competed in many road races, cross country races, and track meets from elementary school through college. I won races, set school records, and had a lot of fun running. I had amazing races that felt easy, and I had hard races that made me feel like running was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. I’ve had races that made me cry with tears of pain, and tears of joy.

Along the way I’ve had many amazing coaches, and some not so amazing coaches too. I have coached myself and many friends and family members for decades, and now I’m here to help coach you! My thirty + years of competitive running experience has resulted in a lot of wisdom about how to connect-with your body to achieve whatever wins you’re aiming for. Whether it’s just personal wins you’re after, or big races, my goal as a running coach is to inspire you to find the JOY in running. Running as a sport can be fun, and a great way to challenge yourself—but I find the spirit of running to be the most important part of running. When you connect with that, you truly FLY. Ready to find your spirit of running?

Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

As a coach I like to focus on the journey that running takes you on. Most people focus on race day as their Big Goal to accomplish, but I believe the training runs and workouts along the way are the Big Goal. Every step you take leading up to your race or goal is the beauty of running. I love helping my clients find joy and grow as they train. I am an RRCA certified running coach, so I have the training and years of experience to help you run faster and longer if that is your goal.

I mainly work with my clients through online trading plans. I send out weekly workout plans and personalized nuggets of wisdom. I am available to my clients through email or text message at anytime they need to work things out or share their joys! I also run in person with my clients and if you are signed up for one of my online plans I offer you a discounted rate to run in person with me. I also offer meditative running plans to teach running meditation. With this package I will send you a guided meditation to help you connect to your body and soul. And I also offer training plans to help you run with your dog. I have 17 years experience working in the veterinary field and I have trained many dogs to run with their owners.

I also can customize a training plan if my packages do not match your needs. I am open to work with you in a way that best motivates you. My goal as a coach is to motivate, support, and challenge my runners to find their joy in running and meet their goals.

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Highlands Ranch, 
Santa Rosa, 