Tara Warren

On the Mountain Endurance Coaching


About Me

My little mountain town is surrounded by peaks, valleys, ravines and rocky ridges. I began running on the trails as a means to support a daily exercise routine. Nothing major, just 3 or 4 miles a few times a week. I had been athletic all my life playing mostly ball sports in high school and college, while competitively swimming for most of my childhood. My husband had been running on trails and racing for a few years at that point and had introduced me to brave souls who would go out in the mountains all times. I could not fathom being out in the wilderness in the dark or board daylight, but the thought of it definitely intrigued me.

Filled with more and more curiosity, I would take myself out to nearby trails where I would gain confidence and experience. I began to crave that running time differently than I had in the years prior. The more I was out there, the more I desired to get higher up in the hills and then on the mountain trails, even on the peaks. Studying various methods of running, learning and then practicing those things out and about showed me what I was capable of doing. Confidence began to increase as well as fitness levels and I was HOOKED.

My feet have carried me through the most amazing places over the years. The things I have learned over the tens of thousands of miles are things I cannot wait to share with you. Everything from training, rest, nutrition, gear, weather, managing family time and even running with a dog! Running is does not come easy for me and probably not for everyone. However, if the desire is there to learn, grow and enjoy, the possibilities are endless.

I’ve learned that the journey to get to the start line can be the most memorable, enjoyable part of the process. As a UESCA coach, I’ve helped a variety of athletes with the desire to progress and meet their running goals.

My coaching platform has covered a wide variety of runners: road marathoners, ultrarunning stage racers, out of the gate beginners, post-pregnancy moms, people who are just looking to get in shape, 100 mile mountain runners and many others.

The common thread between every client I work with is their personal their DESIRE to move forward. That is where I come in.

If you're not having fun, why even bother.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

There are several different coaching packages to choose from ranging from a hands-off approach from me as your coach, to options where I train with your a few times a month. The website will break all the details down for you.

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