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This course is one of the most technical and scenic courses possible in a location that was once brimming with fire‚Ķyes‚Ķ’Pawtuck’ was once a volcanic site. We think the race’s namesake ‚Äì the Roman God of Fire ‚Äì would be proud of a course that will have you traversing a massive boulder field, tearing through dense forest, hammering down single-track switchbacks, jumping streams, crossing bridges and heading up a rocky slope appropriately named the Devil’s Staircase. The lava making up the park has long cooled, but your legs will be burning. This particular area of Pawtuckaway has gone unraced for too long so join us in what will be one of the most talked about trail races of the year.
This is a rugged trail race whose distance and elevation profile combine for a very challenging test even for the fittest endurance athlete. Make no mistake about it, the course travels along hiking trails with sections that must be negotiated very carefully. Run at the peak of NH foliage make sure to steal a peek or two at the highest elevations‚Ķit’ll be worth the effort.
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