Worlds End Ultramarathons

Race Details

May 31, 2025

One of the toughest and most beautiful courses you’ll find anywhere!
The Worlds End Ultramarathon is a challenging foot race that explores the Loyalsock Trail, Loyalsock State Forest and Worlds End State Park in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania. The routes are largely rugged, scenic-dense single-track trails with some fairly remote sections, several waterfalls and multiple vistas of the beautiful Endless Mountains. The PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources describes Worlds End State Park as “virtually in a class by itself, this wild, rugged and rustic area seems almost untamed.” This is NOT a beginner-level ultra and participation in the race should not be taken lightly.

100k Course Description
The course is predominantly rugged single-track that winds it’s way through the the Endless Mountains in the Loyalsock State Forest and Worlds End State Park. Your effort will reward you with beautiful overlooks such as High Rock Vista, Canyon Vista, Upper and Lower Alpine View, Kettle Creek Vista, and High Knob Overlook along with spectacular cascades and falls like Double Run, Dry Run, Rode Falls and Lee’s Falls in the Ketchum Run Gorge, just to name a few. You’ll pass many interesting rock formations like Split Rock, take in the tranquility of Sones Pond and climb a wooden ladder along side Rode Falls. You may even see a bald eagle soar beside you as you traverse the rocky ledge of trail that overhangs the Loyalsock Creek.

This course can be described as “hilly” or “rolling” with it’s steepest sustained climb only being about 1,000 rocky feet. The deceptive part is that there is a never ending supply of shorter climbs that the trail throws at you to give an unexpected overall elevation gain of about 12,000 feet. Combine this with the often rock strewn, technical trail along with the number of times you’ll stop to take in the scenery, and you’ll quickly realize this isn’t a course you’ll try to set any personal records on. The race was designed around the famed Loyalsock Trail but to complete the loop back to Worlds End State Park, you’ll spend plenty of time exploring side trails of equal beauty. The course runs deep in the Pennsylvania hills with rocky hollows, diverse forests, narrow gorges and endless views – enough eye candy to keep you busy for your entire run. But don’t linger too long at any one place, you only have 19 hours to complete this race.

Make no mistake, this race is intended to grind you down over the long haul. Luckily, we’ll take care of you with 12 aid stations along the way. Not only will you see the usual ultra spread, expect to see delicious fresh fruit, beef jerky and a plethora of other delicious treats to keep you moving to the finish line. You’ll also have 7 aid stations that will be crew accessible and 3 locations to pick up and swap pacers from.

**The Worlds End 100k is also part of the Pennsylvania Triple Crown of Mountain Running series. These races showcase the best of Pennsylvania’s ultra mountain-running scene and celebrates the wild beauty of these rugged old mountains, and the vibrant trail-running culture that thrives in them. Do you have what it takes to tame the wilderness races of PA?**

50k Course Description
If you are not ready to tackle the full 100k but still want to take in the beauty of Worlds End, you can still challenge yourself with the 50k course. The race follows the same route as the 100k but veers off to bring you home before the start of the lower loop. While only half the distance and half the elevation (5,800 feet), it’s still chock full of fabulous scenery and awesome trails. We also give you a more generous time limit of 12 hours to complete the course.

Now don’t let the distance fool you, the 50k will grind you down over the long haul too. Luckily, we’ll take care of you with 6 aid stations along the way. You will you see the usual ultra spread, but also delicious fresh fruit, beef jerky and a plethora of other delicious treats to keep you moving to the finish line. You’ll have 3 aid stations that will be crew accessible if needed. No pacers are permitted in the 50k race.

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