Trail Sisters Speaker Series

Moms Who Hundred

Recorded on: February 27, 2023

It’s no secret that longer ultra distances, including the hundred mile, require additional training time. When putting in more time on the trails, it leaves less time for other duties, chores, or interests.

The folks most challenged in juggling their precious time are mothers. Newborn through teenage years, parental responsibilities tend to trump all other personal interests. Whether it’s breast feeding, finding day care, picking up a sick kiddo from school, or rearranging schedules to accommodate soccer or dance practice…there is always something to consider or address.

So, how do you train for a hundred miler while being a mother?

Thankfully we have special guest mothers: Darcy Piceu, Jenny Jurek, Katie Grossman, and Liza Howard to share their experience, provide tips and suggestions, and to answer your questions.

Katie Grossman
Katie Grossman
Katie Grossman is a freelance advertising and outdoors writer based in Wrightwood, CA. She’s expanded her repertoire to include Mountain Ultra Trail runner, wife, backcountry skier, and mama of 2 little trail sisters – in that chronological order.
Liza Howard
Liza Howard
Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.
Jenny Jurek
Jenny Jurek
Jenny Jurek is an accomplished runner, climber, designer, author, and everything in between. She co-work the book NORTH with her husband Scott Jurek and is also a super mom to her kiddos Raven and Evergreen.
Darcy Piceu
Darcy Piceu
Darcy Piceu is a mom, professional ultra runner, and therapist/counselor who lives and trains in Boulder, Colorado. She has been running for 20+ years and racing ultras for most of that time. She is a 3x Hardrock 100 Champion, a 3x Wasatch Front 100 Champion, holds the FKT on the John Muir Trail (222 miles), and has won the Rocky Mtn. Slam of Ultrarunning.

About the Speaker Series

Join the conversation as host Gina Lucrezi and various special guests discuss topics related to trail running, hiking and more!

Webinars are held monthly and are free for all to attend live.

Team Trail Sisters Membership required to watch archives.


About the Hosts

Gina Lucrezi Profile Photo

Gina Lucrezi

As the founder of Trail Sisters, Gina’s goal is to help create opportunities and grow participation in women’s trail running. 

Kristi Confortin

Kristi is the Trail Sisters team manager, speaker series wing-woman and Birmingham, Alabama’s local group leader and a lover of all dogs.
