OK, so there is something funny about trail running culture, whereby people seem to tackle really big distances really soon after getting into running. I have lots of friends who have done this, and it has seemed to go ok for them. I lean more toward the cautious, “slow build” approach, and didn’t run a 50k until I had run a bunch of marathons (to be fair, ultras were not even on my radar for years). Half marathon to 50k is a pretty big jump – not impossible, for sure! – but a completely different ball game. Now that I’ve waffled around your question a bit…my answer to this completely depends on what your running background is: if you’re an experienced runner, have lots of miles “in the bank” and are used to consistent training, you could definitely make the transition to ultra distances, or from 50k to 50 miles. But how do YOU know if your body is ready? I think maybe it’s more important to know if your mind is ready. If you want it, make it happen! Just be smart about it 🙂