Samantha Langlois

Coach Samantha Langlois


About Me

I’ve been a runner since high school when I ran cross country as a supplement to my nordic ski racing season. Running has been a part of my life ever since. I’ve sought out running and trails not so much for the competition but for the solace, the community, the adventure, the beauty. After high school I spend 15 years or so immersed in outdoor adventure and the backcountry: instructing for Hurricane Island Outward Bound, ski patrolling at Sunday River Ski Area in Maine, running and training sled dogs and guiding sled dog tours in Alaska, and working in the backcountry for the Appalachian Mountain Club in New Hampshire. I fit college in there between all the fun and squeaked in a BA in Biology just before turning 30. A few years later I went on to grad school and studied Conservation Biology. Shortly after graduating, my first daughter was born. I’ve spent the past 12 years homeschooling my 2 daughters, managing our small homestead farm, and most recently coaching. I’ve been a volunteer assistant coach for my daughters’ nordic ski team. I coached Girls On the Run this past spring. I am a certified running coach through UESCA and started my own coaching business this past fall. I’ll be coaching cross country at the local middle school this coming fall. I’ve had a hand full of athletes over the past few months. I really enjoy coaching. I have a science mind so I love training theory and the science behind the hows and whys of training. I enjoy helping people meet their running and health goals and watching them learn that they are capable of so much. I enjoy the running community, the camaraderie, the love of adventure, and the desire to push our bodies and minds to new depths and distances.

There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.

My Coaching Style / Methodology

I like to compare my job as a coach to a cairn on a foggy mountain top – there to guide runners on their journey towards race, fitness, and health goals. Good coaching is all about good communication and the ability to meet athletes where they are on their journey. I love getting to know each individual athlete and figuring out, together, what works best for each one. Athletes can expect science-based training plans, regular coach/athlete communication, and a thoughtful long-range plan with the ability to pivot based on what life throws their way. Human to human, coaching is both an art and a science and that is what I love about it.

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