I’ve been thinking about the possibility of magic the last couple of days as I’ve recovered from a triple whammy of jetlag, a yucky bacteria stomach bug, and my own emotional hangover. I’ve never used the smiling poop emoticon with such intention until last weekend.

Every day when we wake up something has to spur our abs to contract, causing our legs to swing from horizontal around to meet the floor, and heave the whole body upwards to start the day. For some, it’s responsibility to family, to a job, or even to a pet that gets us to rub open our eyes and stumble out to the kitchen for coffee. Some days it is easy to put your two feet on the floor and get rolling. And then there are the others. The sayings “I shouldn’t have got out of bed” or “I got up on the wrong side of the bed” were coined with reason. Those days where staying between the sheets away from life drama, training plans, or to do lists…they still have hope, and can be motivated by magic.
I believe that there is magic to find every day. Whether it is a smile from a stranger while holding open the door, meeting a friend for coffee and having the most enlightening conversation, or spotting a seal in the bay on my morning run, I am motivated to get going in the morning in search of that magic. Some days there is big life changing magic, like setting a PR, or getting a job contract, or winning a raffle! And some days stepping outside at the perfect evening hour to feel the sun warm my face after working on the computer all day is the magic touch that fulfills my search. Each day I pursue magic.

Luckily on the tough days, I have a secret that helps me fulfill the day’s quest. I feel that adventuring is the perfect place to find that daily magic quota. If everything else in the day is poop (remember the above stomach bug), going for a run can bring just the right amount of endorphins, sweat and heavy breathing to give some perspective that not EVERYTHING is poop. It will get me out of my head, show me the beautiful place that I get to call home and likely open my eyes to a bit of wonder that nature always provides. And if all else fails, after a run, the poop-y day might at least now be smiling poop.
What gets you out of bed each day?
Are you motivated by magic? Special Moments?