CBD & Running
For me, and possibly like many of the women in this community, running was the byproduct of something that came along with my athletic career. Then the inevitable happens: life evolves. Running became one of the only ways to achieve overall health while squeezing in life’s other responsibilities.
Colorado Running
I began mostly doing road runs and entering races, but a recent move to Colorado opened my eyes up to trail running. What I love most about running on the trails is the sense of adventure and freedom it renders while still providing an incredible workout.
Climbing up mountains and learning to handle the eccentric loading of running down dirt hills leaves my body craving assistance in recovery. I began using CBD products as a daily supplement to combat the inflammation and aid in workout recovery. As a teacher, the analytical side of me wanted to know the science behind CBD.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most abundant of the more than 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids found in hemp plants. CBD has shown to interact with the human body through our endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating an array of physiological functions in an effort to maintain homeostasis. One of the many amazing benefits of CBD is it can be enjoyed without the side effects that come from THC, which is the psychoactive substance extracted from the cannabis plant.

Mounting evidence shows CBD oil can promote recovery and is effective in managing inflammation post-exercise [6]. Additionally, cannabinoids and hemp oil can reduce muscle strain and dehydration from training. CBD has shown to have anti-anxiety properties and a wide range of benefits are still being uncovered.
The Science Of CBD
The human body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps regulate functions such as sleep, immune-system responses, and pain. In a study posted to the medical journal Neurotherapeutics, CBD activates or inhibits other compounds in the endocannabinoid system [4] which include pain. One way It does this by stopping the body from absorbing anandamide [4], a compound associated with regulating pain.
Additionally, a study by the Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience at the National Institutes of Health [5] showed that CBD, “has significant anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to suppress inflammatory responses by targeting certain receptors.”
What are the benefits of Hemp Oil?
Hemp seeds are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 6, omega 3 and insoluble fiber which can help to increase immunity, counteract aging skin and improve cardiovascular health. They’re also packed with minerals.
What’s the Difference Between Full-Spectrum and Isolate?
Full Spectrum products provide – in addition to the active plant CBD compound – a synergistic effect that supplements and enhances the benefits of CBD. The enhanced benefit has been so widely recognized it has been given its own name – the “Entourage Effect.” Isolate is 100% THC free and is advisable for people who do not want any THC or in a job that requires drug testing.
CBD As Pain Relief
Before finding CBD, after working out I’d reach for Ibuprofen or another type of NSAID to reduce the pain from the run. Many people do not realize there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeds, heart attack and kidney disease from repeatedly taking this medicine [1]. In contrast, studies are showing that CBD reduces pain and doses of up to 1,500 mg/day are reportedly well tolerated [2]. CBD has no known negative consequences on a person’s health.

Next time you pack up to hit the trails and lace up for the rocky terrain consider adding CBD into the mix. More and more athletes are adding it to their toolbox for quicker recovery and pain reduction.
Ready to try CBD? Use code TS15 for 15% off your first order at FloydsofLeadville.com
- Risk of acute myocardial infarction with NSAIDs in real world use: bayesian meta-analysis of individual patient data https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5423546/
- Safety and side effects of cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/221293
- Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319475.php
- Cannabinoids and Epilepsy
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4604191/ - Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2828614/ - Role of the Cannabinoid System in Pain Control and Therapeutic Implications for the Management of Acute and Chronic Pain Episodes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2430692/
Feature Photo: Justin Diamond, Boulder, CO.
Editor’s Note: Content sponsored by Floyd’s of Leadville.
8 Responses
I appreciate the information in this article and I personally believe in the recovery benefits of CBD. But it was quite frustrating to learn the author is an employee of a CBD supplier at the end of the article! This information should be disclosed at the beginning. The author describing herself as a teacher, and therefore interested in the science, is misleading.
I agree with Helen Scotch’s comment!
It’s a little concerning to think of anyone needing to take a pain medication after every workout, whether it is NSAIDs or CBD or anything else. I think if that is the case for this author or for any readers, there may a deeper issue of overtraining or inflammation that should probably be addressed before suggesting pain relief at all…. that said, I do appreciate CBDs ability to aid in recovery from races or other intense efforts. But before reaching for any pain relief, there are lifestyle factors that we as athletes should be looking to address first: diet, sleep, rest, and recovery being some of them.
Dosing with CBD before, after or during exercise is equivalent to hydration or water for example. The body naturally is equipped with cannabidiol receptors. Look at CBD as giving your body a dose of nutrition, rest, and recovery.
Super annoyed that I accidentally read a commercial for Floyd’s of Leadville (owned by a person of limited credibility given his admitted use of performance enhancing drugs in competition- Floyd Landis). I was hoping for a balanced assessment of the hype around CBDs. Boooooo!!!
Hmm… the information found within this article does not represent the portion of the title; “…My First-Hand Experiences.”
Where/what are the author’s experiences? All the information provided is the same as what any other internet search reveals. Granted, everyone’s experience will be different.
To top it off, she’s is an employee of a CBD distributor. Good grief…
Thankful for a community where experiences can be shared!
I own a CBD company and i can say that using the salves and lotions are seeing benefits in those applying the salve or lotions to knees and ankles prior to running. Even thought the author could have disclosed her association with the CBD company in the beginning of her piece, her information is spot on.