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While this race is sold-out, I STRONGLY encourage women to get on the waitlist via our UltraSignUp page: (When a woman drops, we will backfill her spot with another woman. We need women on the waitlist!)
The 2023 race course is on the gorgeous northern section of the Baker Trail, starting in the Allegheny National Forest and giving runners a total of 6,320 feet of elevation gain. Overall, it’s mostly single-track trails which can include rocks, roots, sticks, humps, and holes. There are a number of unbridged creek or drainage crossings along the course and loads of unique foot bridges that make excellent photo ops. The wire-cable bridge, featured in the banner photo, is a favorite. Unless there is significant rain, all can be jumped across or crossed on rocks.
Historically, the Baker Ultra has averaged a participation ratio of 80% men and 20% women, which is the case of most 50-milers. In 2022, we made a concerted effort to recruit more women with an eye on gender parity. These efforts paid off and resulted in a marked uptick in women’s registration. (35% women in 2022) In 2023, we will continue to cultivate female registration. As of May 1, 48% of the registered participants are female. Please get on the waitlist if you are interested in this race. Email [email protected] with any questions.
There are nine aid stations along the course (most are 5 miles apart, which means you may not need to carry a ton of supplies!) providing water, Gatorade, sport gels, sandwiches, and fruit. Candy such as M&Ms; and other snacks will be available at some stations. Four of these stations are also relay transfer spots and checkpoints where your tag will be scanned and your split time recorded.
Please see our UltraSignUp page for more info:
And our race website:
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